Keys for Quality Cannabis Branding

The legal weed business is set to surpass $10 billion and is increasing by about a staggering 40% year after year. While there is a lot of money to be made in the cannabis business, you need to start learning how to differentiate yourself from the rest if you are going to do well financially. Since there are so many growers and dispensaries getting into the business, solid marketing is what will help you win big and carve out your own market. Read More 

Social Media Marketing Tips For Commercial Properties

The ability to use social media for marketing purposes can greatly expand your reach to potential customers and clients. While individuals may be readily aware of these benefits when it concerns traditional types of products and services, they may fail to properly utilize social media marketing to reach customers looking for commercial properties. Emphasize The Commercial Strengths Of The Property Social media posts will have to be extremely short, and it can be difficult to accurately convey all of the benefits of a property. Read More 

5 Digital Marketing Terms To Learn Right Now

Diving into the world of digital marketing means picking up a slew of new terms and usages. But getting better informed about the concepts you'll encounter will move you along the learning curve faster. Getting to know these five terms will allow you to have more productive conversations about digital advertising campaigns. Channels In digital marketing speak, a channel is any singular way you can connect with an audience. Social media, web videos, your own website, and your own app would all be seen as separate channels for communicating with potential customers. Read More 

Telemarketing: 5 Tips To Keep Them From Hanging Up The Phone

Whether you're marketing for a commercial enterprise or doing some political phone banking, the goal is the same: you need to keep them on the phone. How can you prevent hang-ups and make the most of your time? Here are five tips for improving the effectiveness of your telephone marketing. 1. Ask Your Qualifying Questions First Time is of the essence. You don't want to waste time with people who are never going to be interested. Read More 

What Is Involved In Construction Outreach Training?

Construction workers are people who perform any type of construction, repairs, remodels, or painting tasks as part of their job. OSHA is the agency that sets the standards for what is required in the workplace to ensure it is safe and healthy. One of their programs is to teach construction workers how to work safely. While construction outreach training is not required in all states, your employer may mandate you go through training. Read More